Coffee and Juice Cleansing: What You Need to Know
Is coffee safe to drink on a juice cleanse? There are many different opinions on whether coffee is allowed or not when it comes to juice cleansing. Some people believe that coffee is okay to drink during a juice cleanse, while others think it's best to avoid caffeine altogether. So what's the truth? Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of coffee while juice cleansing.

What Is A Juice Cleanse, And What Are The Benefits Of Doing One?
A juice cleanse is when you exclusively consume fresh, cold-pressed juices to give your body a much-needed break from processed foods. While there are a number of benefits to doing a juice cleanse, perhaps the most important is that it allows your digestive system to rest and reset. During your cleanse, your body can get the nutrients it needs without spending any energy on processing foods or toxins. Other juicing benefits include increased energy levels, clearer skin, and better gut health. It can be a quick and easy way to reboot your body and boost overall wellness.
Discover the world of juicing and its benefits with our Cleanse Guide, designed to help you find the best juice cleanses for you!
How To Do A Juice Cleanse Safely & Effectively
There are many different opinions about juice cleanses, but most health experts agree that they can be safe and effective as long as they are done correctly. One of the keys to a successful juice cleanse is choosing the right one for you.
If you want to create your own cleanse at home, choosing the right ingredients is important. It would be best to always opt for whole, raw fruits and vegetables to ensure your juice contains all the essential nutrients you need. A good rule of thumb is to include at least 1-2 servings each of greens, citrus fruits, root vegetables, and other dark, leafy vegetables for maximal nutrition.
In addition to choosing high-quality ingredients, you also want to be sure to nourish your body between cleanses by:
- Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise.
- Ensure that you drink a lot of water throughout your cleanse to stay hydrated and avoid any potential side effects like fatigue or headaches.
Can You Drink Coffee On A Juice Cleanse - Yes Or No?
People often ask whether they can drink coffee while on a juice cleanse. The answer is always the same: it depends. If you are doing a juice cleanse to reset your system and give your digestive tract a break, then it's recommended that you avoid coffee. The caffeine in even one cup of coffee can be hard on your stomach and may cause bloating and discomfort.
However, if you are doing a juice cleanse as part of a larger health and wellness journey, moderate amounts of coffee may be acceptable. Just drink it black and avoid adding any sugar or cream, which can quickly negate the cleansing benefits.
But you should know, while many people believe that black coffee is a healthy beverage, some suggest that it should be avoided while cleansing. Coffee is a diuretic, meaning that it helps flush fluids from the body. This can be helpful if you are trying to cleanse your system of toxins, but it can also lead to dehydration.

In addition, coffee can stimulate the release of stress hormones, which can promote inflammation and interfere with the body's natural healing process. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of drinking coffee while cleansing for these reasons. If you decide to drink black coffee, stay hydrated and take breaks as needed to avoid stressing your system.
Ultimately, the best way to answer this question is to listen to your body and see how it responds to coffee during a juice cleanse. Also, it's recommended to consult your doctor before drinking coffee with your juice cleanse. If you find that it doesn't agree with you, it's best to err on caution and avoid it altogether.
What Else Can You Drink On A Juice Cleanse?
There are many different options to choose from when it comes to juice cleanses. While some people prefer to stick to juices made from fruits and vegetables, others like to mix things up with smoothies and teas. Whichever route you decide to go, it's essential to ensure that you're getting enough fluid throughout the day. Here are some of the best options for staying hydrated on a juice cleanse:
Made from a combination of fruits and vegetables, our cold-pressed juices are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Plus, they're easy to drink on the go.
If you're looking for something a little more filling, our smoothie blends are a great option. If you want to opt to make it at home, they can be made with fruits, vegetables, and dairy or non-dairy milk.
Decaffeinated Teas
Both herbal and green tea are great choices for staying hydrated during a juice cleanse. Herbal teas can help to detoxify the body, while green tea is a good source of antioxidants.
No matter what you choose to drink, make sure that you're getting enough fluids each day.
Juice Cleanse Options To Choose From
Our cleansing programs are designed to provide a structured approach to juicing, so you can take it step-by-step. We offer a variety of options to fit your schedule, including full-day cleanses and half-day juice fasts, and morning cleanses, so you can choose the best option that suits your schedule. Remember, it's important to take it easy as you ease into the cleansing process. So, let's take a look at our Juice Cleanse options and get started on your journey to feeling great!
Full Day Cleanse
Our full-day cleanses include 6 juices per day with no additional meals to give your digestive system a break and deliver vitamins and minerals to your body. When you first wake up, drink your first juice, and drink every subsequent juice every two hours after that. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day!
With an extra nut-blend, this cleanse has more protein & calories than our other cleanses to help power you through the day.
Consume in the following order:
Vanilla Almond Milk | Greens 2 | Roots 2 | Citrus 2 | Greens 3 | Chocolate Almond Milk
A fast containing our most popular juices, balancing taste & efficacy.
Consume in the following order:
Greens 2 | Citrus 2 | Greens 3 | Roots 3 | Citrus 1 | Vanilla Almond Milk
For the experienced, this cleanse includes the most amount of greens juices, and has the lowest number of natural sugars & calories out of our full-day cleanse programs.
Consume in the following order:
Greens 1 | Citrus 1 | Greens 2 | Greens 1.5 | Greens 3 | Vanilla Almond Milk
This cleanse includes 4 juices and 2 smoothies for needed protein, fiber and fats around meal time.
Consume in the following order:
Celery Juice | Greens 1 | Avocado Greens | Greens 1.5 | Citrus 1 | Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Half Day Juice Fast
If you're not quite ready for a full day cleanse, start with a half-day fast! Here's how it works: You'll have three juices and three shots throughout the day from breakfast to lunchtime. Like our Full Day Cleanse, start your day with your first juice and shot when you wake up, and have another juice every two hours after. End your fast with a nutritious plant-based meal that includes healthy fats and proteins.
This gentle half-day fast includes 2 juices chock-full of nutrients plus an almond milk blend and 3 well-being shots for an added boost. Drink 1 juice and 1 shot 3 times throughout the day before breaking your fast with a plant-based dinner.
Consume in the following order:
Greens 3 + Energy Shot | Citrus 2 + Wellness Shot | Chocolate Almond Milk + Vitality Shot
This half-day fast eases you in with 3 of our lower sugar juices from each category of Greens, Roots and nut milks along with 3 well-being shots. Drink 1 juice and 1 shot 3 times throughout the day before breaking your fast with a plant-based dinner.
Consume in the following order:
Greens 1 + Reset Shot | Roots 1 + Wellness Shot | Vanilla Almond Milk + Vitality Shot
Morning Cleanse
Sip your nutrients with a morning cleanse, where all you'll need to do is consume your juice on an empty stomach in the morning. Unlike our full and half-day fasts, this cleanse is intended only for breakfast for optimal absorption. To elevate the benefits of your gentle morning cleanse, continue your day with healthy meals to maximize your wellness.
Give your digestive system a simple cleanse with our zesty bundle packed with Vitamin C antioxidants to help you reduce inflammation and enhance radiance.
Consume in the following order: Drink one Simple Cleanse Juice every morning on an empty stomach.
*If needed, drink your juice post-breakfast initially and gradually shift to pre-breakfast consumption.
Pack in up to 15 vitamins and minerals for breakfast with this feel-good, clean sip of celery and lemon for a refreshing start to your morning.
Consume in the following order: Drink one Celery Juice every morning on an empty stomach.
*If needed, drink your juice post-breakfast initially and gradually shift to pre-breakfast consumption
Worried About Giving Up Your Regular Coffee? Here Are Some Helpful Tips
For those of us who rely on a cup of coffee to get through the day, going without it can seem daunting. It can be common to experience symptoms of headache and feeling a little tired while on a cleanse, which is similarly to detoxing from caffeine intake. But if you start by slowly weaning off coffee a few days before your cleanse, it should help to minimize caffeine withdrawal symptoms and keep a steady energy level despite the lack of caffeine.
It's also important to choose a cleanse that is right for your body type and needs. If you are prone to headaches, include plenty of green juices with ginger in your diet to help fight inflammation. It is also essential to keep yourself hydrated by sipping on water throughout the day and avoiding any other caffeinated beverages. Finally, make sure to give yourself time to rest and relax. This is not the time to add more stress to your life by overbooking yourself. Take some time for yourself and let your body adjust to its new state. You can also support yourself by:
- START YOUR DAY WITH A GREEN SMOOTHIE: Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, a green smoothie is a great way to wake up your body and mind in the morning. Try a grab-and-go Pressed Smoothie fave next time you need some morning satiation.
- DRINK PLENTY OF WATER: This one seems obvious, but it's important to make sure you're staying hydrated when you're not used to drinking juice all day or coming off of coffee on top of it. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go and sip on it regularly and try to get at least 8 cups of water a day.
- SNACK ON RAW FOODS: When you're feeling tired or sluggish, reach for a healthy snack like an apple or carrot stick instead of coffee. The natural sugars in fruit will give you a quick energy boost without any jitters.
- GET ENOUGH SLEEP: Your body may need more rest than usual when cleansing. Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night to feel your best during the day.
Important Note
Before embarking on a juice cleanse, it is important to talk to your doctor. While juice cleanses can effectively promote health and well-being, make sure that you consult with your healthcare provider beforehand. By working closely with your doctor before beginning any new diet plan, you will be able to ensure that your health stays a top priority throughout the process of cleansing.